This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. DOKODEMO Updates Dokodemo Updates Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:54:26 -0400 Super Simple RSS Suni Homepage update and other things [Mar/13/2024] It's been a while again! I've been really slow with updates ever since the newest version of my website. (Can you believe I used to update every single day? Me neither) I added a carousel for fanlistings on my homepage, as well as moved some stuff around to be more visually appealing. I also added a toggle for the falling particles on my homepage just for preformance. The site now has a calendar and graphics which change along with the season! It's spring now, so it's cherry blossom and flower season! You'll have to wait until fall/winter to see the real' big changes. Say goodbye to the "new" and "updated" Toro sprites. They took up too much room on the sidebar and have been replaced with color-coded star bullets. You can hover to see the details. Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:48:50 -0400 New Blog Layout [Jul/4/2023] Oh boy, here comes the 50th blog layout. I think I've redone my "blog" the most out of everything on my site. I think I found a better way to organize things now. Tue, 4 Jul 2023 17:23:51 -0400 Updates [Jun/21/2023] I've been extremely neglectful of my site for a loooong time, apologies for that.
I finished up the doll blog on my boyfriend's page. That's pretty much it besides some various small tweaks such as uploading images I forgot to upload for months (lol) and I also made the boombox on my index play random songs. Yeah that's it. C'ya for another few months maybe.
Wed, 21 Jun 2023 12:00:00
Long time no update! [May/22/2023] I've actually been updating a lot of minor things in my spare time, most of which I forget to upload! My bad. Even the last RSS entry I've forgotten to push out. As of writing this, I now have a dedicated shrine to my boyfriend, as well as the very beginning of the updated HTML tutorial. Mon, 22 May 2023 12:00:00 PokeRing updates and other things [Jan/27/2023] Pokering has been updated with about 30 new members! I apologize if I missed anyone, I wasn't expecting to recieve so many members at once and I got a little overwhelmed. On another note, I've finally gotten the URL. I now have a FAQ. Please read through the FAQ before e-mailing me with a question, the answer might be there. Fri, 27 Jan 2023 12:00:00 The New DOKODEMO, welcome to DOKODEMOe [Jan/6/2023] Welcome to the new iteration of my website, I hope you enjoy it.
For those wondering, Dokodemo was not deleted. I took a long mental health break and focused on other, more important things (I also finished three entire videogames). Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a job yet, so if you'd like to support me you can buy me a Coffee.
Oh, updates... Basically everything on my website has changed. I re-did my website's entire directory, so hotlinked images don't work anymore. (For future reference, please don't hotlink.) A lot of pages have been deleted entirely or replaced, but there is a variety of new ones as well. I've introduced a sitemap because I realized just how big my website has gotten, and not all pages fit in the navigation bar like before. Also, I have passed ownership of Navlink on to Dimden, you can find it on their website.
Fri, 6 Jan 2023 12:00:00